Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy Exercises and Rehabilitation


It is important to perform rotator cuff physical therapy exercises as part of its rehabilitation. This is used to avoid surgery and to help with shoulder injuries. Acute shoulder impingement and severe shoulder tears require surgery.


It is important that the shoulder be allowed to heal after the injury to the rotator-cuff. Tenderness and pain that you feel with certain movements can often be a sign of a new injury or strain to the muscle tissue. To properly rest your shoulder, you may need to use a sling. You should also avoid driving and change your daily routine in order to avoid any painful activities. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications can also be used to reduce swelling. The Physical Therapy Care most common reason for shoulder pain is swelling of the muscles and tendons. It is important to reduce swelling for quick recovery.


Once your pain and swelling have subsided, you can start to do exercises to strengthen and rehab the shoulder muscles and rotator-cuff muscle. These exercises aren't meant to be used for shoulder weight lifting, but are instead designed to strengthen and rehabilitate the rotator-cuff muscles.


Physical therapy exercises for the rotator cuff typically require very little or no weight. The body's natural resistance will usually be enough to get the desired results. It will be fine to use the weight of your arm. Once the muscles are stronger, you can move to lighter weights. To prevent further injury to the muscle tissue, light stretching is important before lifting. Next, move on to strengthening the muscle with exercises to stabilize it. After the rotator-cuff muscle has developed, it's amazing how quickly the shoulder heals and can be back to normal.


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